AGIR Transport offers a range of varied services, all geared towards the same objective: providing “business” operational assistance to members and supporting them in their mobility projects.
Practical, technical, regulatory, legal question, etc. The AGIR Transport expert platform, made up of the 30 permanent members of the association and a network of allied professionals (lawyers, consultants, design offices, etc.) provides an answer personalized and argued.

With more than 200 meetings per year, online or à la carte training, with free and unlimited access for all members’ employees, approved AGIR Formations is an opportunity to improve the skills of everyone: elected officials, agents, operators.

AGIR Transport can support its members on all types of studies. Some, which require a few days of work, can be covered as part of the contribution: studies on the choice of management method, contracts, tax optimization, VM audits, vehicle audits, graphics, etc.
For studies that require more substantial work, members are directed towards the offer of intellectual services referenced at the CATP where different AMOs are available.

Exchanges of experiences
AGIR Transport is a dynamic network of more than 500 members driven by the desire to benefit from services but also to exchange on their practices and thus benefit from feedback.
The association promotes these exchanges by organizing thematic working groups; user clubs; AGIR Days; and by providing members with a internal social network,RésO AGIR.

Centralized purchasing
The CATP (Public Transport Purchasing Center) is a 100% community public purchasing center local offices dedicated to mobility: a specialization synonymous with expertise and advice in the purchase of hardware, software and services.
The CATP also allows public buyers to benefit from transparent and optimized pricing and rapid and secure procedures to accelerate their mobility projects.