Our experts

In order to provide answers to the questions asked by members and support them in their projects, AGIR Transport relies on a team of 30 permanent most of whom have significant experience related to our activities in different structures :

  • Transport department of local authorities
  • Transport business operation services
  • Transport company methods service
  • Workshop service and maintenance of transport company vehicles
  • Transport company marketing service
  • Law firms
  • Vehicle manufacturers
  • Local authority purchasing service
  • Transport company purchasing service
  • Parliamentary attaché at the National Assembly
Métro Paris

These experiences, particularly those within local authorities and transport companies, make it possible to provide “professional” assistance to members.

Beyond these “professional” skills, AGIR Transport has unprecedented legal expertise with 15 lawyers including 3 former lawyers.

To answer the various questions, it is necessary to master general public law as well as contract law, corporate law, tax law, social law, industrial and commercial property law, etc.

When response times are limited or the permanent team does not have the necessary skills, the association uses a network of consultants, lawyers, consultancy firms recognized for their quality and for their independence.

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