
The AGIR association was created in 1987 by local elected officials to provide independent expertise to the Mobility services of local authorities and to the teams of independent transport companies.


The statutes of the Association provide that AGIR aims to:

  • Promote and defend the principle of free administration local authorities and in particular the free choice of management method ;
  • Develop, centralize and provide capacity independent expertise (expertise redirection) to Members and all other entities on all subjects relating to the transport of people and goods, mobility and travel;
  • Promote the cooperation and the exchange of experiences between Members but also with transport, mobility and travel stakeholders, national or foreign;
  • Suggest means, of the consultancy services, of training andassistance in all areas relating to the transport of people and goods, mobility and travel, to Members and all other entities, national or foreign;
  • Organize any eventtending to promote the mobility sector, encourage exchanges between Members and, where applicable, all other players in the mobility sector, national or foreign.

The Association also aims to act as a purchasing center within the meaning of article L. 2113-2 of the PublicProcurement Code and constitutes a buyer, under articles L. 1210-1 et seq. of saidcode. In this capacity, the Association aims to satisfy, at their request, the needs of all power adjudicator and any contracting entity linked to the transport of people and goods, mobility and travel.

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